
How to remove dropbox
How to remove dropbox

Get-ChildItem -name c:\users | foreach ($_. $StartM = "\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Start Menu\Programs\Dropbox" $dropM = "\Appdata\Roaming\DropboxMaster" If you’d also like to remove the Dropbox folder from your hard drive, drag your Dropbox folder to the Trash. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).

how to remove dropbox

user to it but if I write the output of this command it only shows the names. To uninstall the Dropbox desktop app on a Mac computer: Click the Dropbox icon in the menu bar. More like a forced deletion but it seems to do the trick but i am getting an error that states that the file path does not exits but for some reason the Get-ChildItem -name c:\users command pulls folders in directory ( AKA users) but when it adds it to my file path it adds a. a bit rough because it will leave registry keys but not very concerned about that cause it doesn't seem to cause any issues.

how to remove dropbox

Ok guys I have been racking my brain on how to do this and finally just decided to script it.

How to remove dropbox